Thursday 3 January 2019

Changing Climates (Summer Learning Journey)

On your blog, tell us about five things that you like to do when it is too rainy to go outside.

1) I like to play Monopoly
2) I clean my room
3) I sometimes read
4) I play on my tablet
5) I play on my Chromebook


  1. Hey there Summer!

    Like you, I also love playing Monopoly and other board games! In Auckland there is a cafe called Cakes and Ladders! It is a board game cafe with over 400 games to play!
    It rains a lot in New Zealand, this is great for our forests and plants but for us it can be quite restricting (and boring)!

    Well done for having quite a fun list of things to do (apart from cleaning). I don’t think you will ever be bored with all the fun online games and awesome books. What's your favourite book?

    Keep up the creativity and hard work
    He Whetu Koe! (You’re a star!)

  2. Hi Hasiba
    I did not know that there was a cafe called cakes and ladders.
    There must be a lot of options to choose from for the board games.
    Have you ever been there?


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.