Thursday, 2 January 2020

Summer Learning Journey

For this activity, please brainstorm at least five ways we could support the people who are affected by the fires in New South Wales, Australia. You could think of ways to raise money, things to send them, and ways to keep them feeling positive.
On your blog, share your brainstorm of ideas and create a video or audio recording of yourself explaining each idea.


  1. Hi Summer,

    Leisha here again!

    You have come up with some great ideas to help those affected by the files in NSW. I like that you have not only thought about the people themselves but about the things they may have lost, as well as their animals. It is nice to see that you have thought of an idea to temporarily look after their pets until they work out the next steps. It is a great idea to donate things that you no longer need. What type of things do you think would be useful? Perhaps things like clothing and furniture?

    You have done an amazing job with all of your SLJ so far Summer. I can see this is your last post for now. I hope to see more over the next couple of weeks!


  2. Hi Leisha,
    I think old furniture and old clothes. I also think that maybe the SPCA should donate some animals to people who lost theirs but cannot afford to buy another pet and also they would have less pets to look after.

    1. Hi Summer,

      We have noticed that you haven’t done any Summer Learning Journey activities for a while. Our programme finish date is the 24th of January so you still have plenty of time to complete some more activities and collect more points.

      Remember, if you have any questions about any of the activities all you have to do is ask!

      I am looking forward to seeing more posts from you over the next week!

      Ngā mihi,
      Leisha :)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.