Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Reducing Plastic Waste

Science/Social Science learning goals
We are learning to understand about the environments around us and the negative
of positive impact our actions can have on these environments.

Image result for plastic pollution
Success criteria;
  • identify some positive actions we can take at school and in our own lives to help our
  • environment.


Task: Create an infographic showing people how they can
reduce their waste in their lunchbox.   

Our co-constructed success criteria:
-Have a strong title/hook
-Use convincing language and images
-Have simple things people can do
-Use images (free to use)
-Use bullet points/ short sharp information
-Use correct punctuation and spelling.


  1. Hi my name is Emma and I go to Karoro School. I really like your work because it made me think about how plastic waste is killing off marine life and how we can reuse our waste to keep at least one sea animal alive. You have made me feel like a better person and encouraged me to recycle.


  2. Kia ora Wairini and Summer. Ka pai tō mahi. I think you have created a good infographic about how people can reduce their use of plastic. I liked that your poster was easy to read and gave good tips about what people can do. I also think your images are effective. I liked you idea of reusing straws as decorations like we saw on the video clip. Well done.

  3. Hi Summer It's Ilish from Karoro school. I like how you put in the tips so maybe I could do it. I also like how you put in the facts. It's amazing how there is 160,000 plastic bags in the ocean every second !

  4. Hi my name is Mylah from Karoro school. It is sad that all the sea turtles are dieing because of the plastic and the pollution in the ocean.I like all the pictures that describe what bags you should use and not to use.


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.