Saturday, 22 December 2018

Fabulous Ferns (Summer Learning Journey)

Fabulous Ferns
Image result for silver ferns uniform

1. Silver Ferns (Netball)
2. Black Ferns (Rugby)
3. Tall Ferns ( Basketball)

Image result for black ferns uniformMy Favourite uniform is the
Black Ferns one because
I like the fern on it and 
I like the shape of it and 
that it is a t-shirt.
Image result for tall ferns uniform


  1. Hi Summer

    Well done with this activity. Great work choosing these three teams. They are all great teams. We have some very talented players and teams here in New Zealand.
    The black ferns have had a great year last year. They won the world cup as well as taking out all the awards at the recent NZ rugby awards. Not only did they win the team of the year but they also took out player of the year.
    Do you play sport? It so, which sport do you play or do you play more than one. Kids are lucky living here that they are able to play more than one sport.

    It is a great day today so I hope you are having a good holiday.

    Keep up the great work!

    Unitl next time

    Allie :)

  2. Hi Allie,

    Thank you so much for commenting on my blog. I played Rippa Rugby, Touch and I went to a hockey tournament for school. I really love to do sport and I also love to run. Do you like to run?


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.