Saturday, 22 December 2018

Weird and Wonderful (Summer Learning Journey)

A cactus would need 1 Litre and 95 Millilitres
each year.

This is how I worked it out.

Problem Solve
365 x 3 = 1095
3 x 5 = 15
3 x 60 = 180
3 x 300 = 900

15 + 180 = 195

195 + 900 = 1095


  1. Hi Summer

    Well done for solving this maths problem. Thank you for showing me your working out. It is always good to be able to show how you worked the problem out.
    Three mils of water is not a lot of water but when you add it up over the entire year it comes to quite a lot.
    My daughter has cactus plants growing in her room and I am always really careful around them as they have really big sharp prickles.

    What is your favourite subject at school? Do you like maths?

    I hope that you are having a great holiday so far and that you have something fun planned to do.

    Keep up the great work.

    Until next time

    Allie :)

  2. Hi Allie,
    My favourite subject at school is probably Maths.
    I really like my times and my addition. I don't really like subtraction.
    For my mums birthday I got her a venus fly trap and sometimes it catches
    flys. Sometimes I put my finger in it to set it off. I find it very interesting.
    Have you ever seen a venus fly trap?

  3. Hi Summer

    I have seen one before, they are so fascinating to watch. Always fun to try and make it close up.
    I hope you are having a great holiday so far and doing something fun!

    Allie :)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.