Monday, 24 December 2018

The Secretive Skink

Pros and Cons about being a D.O.C worker.

Pros (good things)
1. You would get to help and save animals.
2.  You would get to be around animals a lot.
3.  You would get to learn about animals.

Cons (bad things)
1. Sometimes you would have to shoot animals.
2. You would have to be away from your family.
3. You would see animals dead.

I would like to be a Doc Ranger because you would get to
spend a lot of time with animals.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Summer!
    Awesome to see you are blogging! Thank you for sharing these pros and cons! Just like any job, there are always going to be some pros and cons. The cons you have listed are very grim and scary. I totally understand why many are not interested in becoming a Doc Ranger.

    You are very brave to consider becoming a DOC ranger! It will be amazing knowing you are doing incredible and meaningful work everyday.

    Keep going!
    Hasiba :)


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